Biology of the Horse
- Basic Anatomy and Physiology
- Musculoskeletal Structures
Health and lameness
- Soft tissue injuries
- Treatments
- Understanding modalities
- Medications and injections
- Colic and tying up
- Vaccinations and worming schedules
- Care of teeth
Alternative Therapies
- Feeds and feeding
- Interpreting a feed label
- Digestive anatomy
- Developing feed programs
- Supplements
Health of the horse
- Identification of problems
- Accurate record keeping
- Basic anatomy and function
- Basic trimming and shoeing
- Corrective trimming and shoeing
- Injuries and problems
- Alternative shoeing
Farm maintenance
- Fencing and turnout
- Types of buildings and structures
- Types of equipment and uses
Stable management
- Record keeping
- Budgeting
- Bookkeeping
- Communication skills
- - Other staff, rider relationships
- Hiring/firing
Care of the horse while showing
- Scheduling
- Things to look for
Rehabilitation of the horse
- Returning from an injury
- Care during an injury
- Rehab schedules and treatments
Ethics and clean showing
- Drugs (legal and illegal)
- Doses